CrossFit Workouts

This throwback picture comes from the Grand Opening WOD at the old space FOUR years ago! You’ve got Tom, Jess, Ryan, AND Greg! Strength Front Squat (Track the final set of 3 reps) *Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65% *Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75% *Set 3 – 1 reps @ 80% *Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85% *Set 5 – 2 rep @ 90% *Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95% *Set 7 – 3 reps @ as heavy as possible Rest 2 minutes between sets. Conditioning Five sets for max reps of: 30 seconds of Ring Dips Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of Box Jumps (24″/20″) Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (55/35#) Rest 90 seconds Modifications for Ring Dips- Matador/Box Dips
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CrossFit Kids- 4:30pm Mobility- 5:30-7:00pm CrossFit Endurance- 5:30pm (at CFG) Did anyone else feel like Mary after the Wednesday workout?! Strength Push Press (5 sets of 3 reps @11X1) Rest 2-3 minutes between sets Conditioning In teams of 3, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 20 Calories of Assault Bike or Rowing 10 Dumbbell Push Press (30/50#) As soon as the Assault Bike/Concept 2 is available, the next teammate jumps on and starts his/her 20 cals. There are 30 reps per round. Each PERSON who completes 20 and 10 = 1 Rd. So, if each person on a team of 3 completes 2 rounds, their team score will be 6 rounds.
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 Mobility- 10:00-10:30am Pat with that strong form during halting clean-grip deadlifts!   Conditioning Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets): Run 400 Meters 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (heavy) 40 Double-Unders – Swings should be done in no more than 3 sets each round – DU modification will be 80 single-unders – Track fastest and slowest rounds Cash-Out Two sets of: Hawaiian Squat x 90 seconds each side Prone Plank x 60 seconds Rest as needed between movements and rounds – Hawaiian Squat- – Prone plank- on forearms v/s hands
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CrossFit Kids- 4:30pm CrossFit Endurance- 5:30pm (at track) Families who work on cork strength together, are happier families in general. It’s science!   Strength Every three minutes, for 12 minutes: Alternating Reverse Lunges with Dumbbells x 20 reps Mixed-Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps Track the dumbbell weight used for heaviest set, and note how many sets that weight was used for in comments. Conditioning Five rounds for time of: 15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14#) 10 Toes to Bar 5 Burpees Modifications for TTB: Pike Kip Hanging Knee Raise Laying Leg Raise Cash Out Accumulate two minutes in each of the following positions: Couch Stretch (Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right Leg) Pigeon Stretch (Left Leg Forward) Pigeon Stretch (Right Leg Forward)
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Reminder: Barbell Club is taking a REST WEEK, so there will be no Barbell Club this week! It was a really big weekend for CFG athletes! There were four athletes who competed in the Denver Indoor Rowing Championships and seven athletes lifted at the Colorado State Weightlifting Meet! For the rowing competition, we got a good summary from Birddog: “4 500m entries. 4 gold medals for Crossfit golden. We look good in gold.” Congrats to Birddog who rowed a 1:22.1, Scott with a 1:29.1, Kathryn with a 1:38, and Liz with an awesome 1:53! Both ladies got big PRs, and the gentlemen were just off of their lifetime PRs. Coach Danny summarizes the Weightlifting Meet: “We had three people doing their first meet ever and they all did great. Lisa made a 50 kg clean and jerk PR, Mike snatched 80kg and clean and jerked 108kg, and Jason went 93/112, narrowly...
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