CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: Indoor Run 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 PVC Pass Through 2×10 PVC Over Head Squat Mobility: Mt. Climber Stretch Olympic Wall Squat Strength: 1) Over Head Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+ 2) Weighted Jump Squat 4×10, warm-up with a light 1×10 first Conditioning: Teams of 2-3 exercisors complete the following for max reps(calories) 5 Rounds :45/:15 E1: Max Calorie Row E2: Max reps Ball Slam, 20#-50# E3: Max reps Sumo Dead Lift High Pull, 35#-75#
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Warm-up: 5:00min as many single-unders or doubles as possible Mobility: Foam Roll Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following- As many Rounds as possible in 20min of 20 Kettle Bell Swings 100ft Waiter Walk, Left Hand 100ft Waiter Walk, Right Hand Notes:   E1 will start the workout and complete one round of the task. After one round is complete E2 will complete one round while E1 is resting…..and so on till the 20min is up.   If solo, 1:1 work to rest ratio.
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Warm-up: Indoor Run 100ft Lunge w/stretching 2×10 Hand Release Push-up, 2 count at top Mobility: Banded Chest Stretch Posterior Chain Floss Strength: 1) Bench Press, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+ 2) Deficit Dead Lifts, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+ 20-25min time limit Notes:   Increase weight as you go up, work up to a heavy 3 rep. The 3+ will be done at 70%, aka drop set. The goal for Deficit Dead Lift being 12 or more, Bench Press 8 or more. Skill: 20min to work on- Handstand Push-ups If you have HSPU’s do: As many ladders as possible in 20min of 1-6 Deck Squat 1-6 HSPU Example: 1 Deck Squat/1HSPU, then 2/2, 3/3, all the way up to 6 then start over at 1/1.
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Warm-up: :30sec Jumping Jacks :30sec Burpee :30sec Skier :30sec Snowboarder Conditioning: 4x:30/:30 Row 4x:30/:30 Box Jump/Step-ups* 4x:30/:30 Mt. Climber 4x:30/:30 Single Ring Row/Hold* 4min Rest 4x:30/:30 Sit-up/Leg Hold* 4x:30/:30 Wall Sit 4x:30/:30 Head Cutter/Hold in lock out* 4x:30/:30 Jumping Pull-up *Hell style, rest will be active. example holding in a locked out position, step-ups on box.
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Warm-up: Indoor Run 2×10 Jump Squat 2×10 PVC Pass Through Group: 4x:30/:30 PVC Push-Press/Hold Mobility: Mt. Climber Stretch Olympic Wall Squat Wrist Stretch Strength: 1) Zercher Squat, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+ 2) Shoulder Press, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+ Warm-up with 2×3 on each movment 25min time limit Notes:   Increase weight as you go up, work up to a heavy 3 rep. The 3+ will be done at 70%, aka drop set. The goal for zercher squat being 12 or more, push press 8 or more. Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 12min of 12 Ground 2 Over Head, 75#/55# 12 Knees 2 Elbows or Hanging Knee Raise
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