CrossFit Workouts

Strength: 1) 7×2 Hi-Hang Power Snatch, light (60% or less) and perfect, 60 sec rest between sets 2) 7×2 Hi-Hang Power Clean, light (60% or less) and perfect, 60 sec rest between sets 20min time limit Conditioning: 4 Rounds 7 Shoulder to Overhead, 135#(95#) 14 Toes 2 Bar (Mod=21 Leg Raise) 200m Run 15min Time limit If you can lift more then 225#(155#) overhead please do 165#(110#).
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Strength: 1) 5×1  1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean (from the ground), heavy but perfect 2) 5×1  1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk, heavy but perfect 20min time limit Notes:   Warm-up with 3×3 of the “complex” before starting the 5×1 on each movement. Both reps of each “complex” are done consecutively, meaning don’t let go of the bar. Weight should be manageable and form perfect.   If you are new to the movements your coach will instruct you on which modification to go with (hang power clean x2 and shoulder press + push press) Conditioning: Rep Progression, 12min time limit OHS, 95#(65#) Box Jump, 24″(20″) If you can OHS more then 185#(125#) please do 115#(75#) and 30″(24″) Box Jump. Compare to 5.1.12 Notes:   You will do 1 OHS and 1 Box Jump then 2/2, 3/3 and so on till the 12 minutes is up. Girls Gone RX’D!!
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Conditioning: Teams of 2-3 complete the following 800m Run 6 Rounds 100′ Bear Crawl/Ball Slam 800m Run 6 Rounds 100′ Crab Walk/Pull-up 800m Run Notes:   Warm-up: Warm-up will be on your own and before class starts. I want to give everyone a fair shot at finishing this so we are going to start the workout at 10 after. If you need to stretch-out please show up early to do so.   Run: Both exercisers will do the run together. Both exercisers must complete the run before starting on the 6 rounds.   Bear Crawl/Ball Slam: Exerciser 1(E1) will go 100′ on the bear crawl, while exerciser 2 (E2) will do as many reps as possible on the ball slams. Once E1 completes the bear crawl exercisers will switch, and so on till all 6 rounds are complete.   Crab Walk/Pull-up: Exerciser 1(E1) will go 100′ on the crab walk, while...
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Strength: 1) 5×3 Back Squat @ 75% of working max 2) 5×3 Front Squat @ 75% of working max 25min time limit Notes:   Do 3×3 warm-up for back squat then do all remaining sets of 3 at 75%. Do not go up stay, at 75% or less. Immediately after do 5×3 front squat at 75%. You will be warmed up so should be able to go right into them.   If you do not have weights established work-up to a medium weight for the warm-up then slight increase for the 5 sets. Front squat will be about 20%-30% reduction in weight. Conditioning: 8 Rounds of 20sec ME Power Cleans, 115#(75#) 10sec Rest 20sec ME Jump Squat 10sec Rest Score is total reps of PC and JS.
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Conditioning 1: 20 Rounds 30sec ME (max effort) Row 30sec Rest Score is total meters rowed Notes:   To maximize the time with the rowers. The first 5 people that show-up will start with the row at the top of the hour. We will run heats on the rower every 20 minutes. So be prepared to hit it when you come in. Conditioning 2: Ladder Drills Core: 1a) 3×1:00min Plank 1b) 3×40 Leg Raise 1c) 3×20 Flutter Kick, R+L=1 Rest 60-90sec
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