Conditioning: 1min ME Jumping Step-ups, (choose a height you can handle, 20″ or less) WATCH THE DEMO Then immediately do AMRAP in 8min of 5 Power Cleans, 135#(95#) 10 Box Jumps, 30″/24″ Then immediately after the 8min AMRAP do 1min ME Jumping Step-ups Score will be total Jumping step-ups for both attempts and total reps in the 8min. If you can Power Clean more then 225#(155#) please do 165#(115#) Core: 1a) 3×60 Ab-mat sit-ups 1b) 3×30 Leg Raise 1c) 3×20 Supermans Rest 60-90 seconds Notes: You will do 1a, 1b then 1c as one set then rest 60-90sec. You will then repeat 2 more times.
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