CrossFit Workouts

Conditioning: Team Workout 2 Rounds for time of: 200m Run 75#/55# Push-press, (1:9,2:8) 200m Run 75#/55# Sumo DL High Pull, (1:9,2:8) 200m Run 24″/20″ Burpee Box Jump, (1:9, 2:8)     Notes:   This is complicated to explain but easy to do, so hang on tight for this one. The 2 exercisers (E1 and E2) will go through the movements alternating reps till 9 is reached, then work back down till 1 is reached.    Example: E1 does 1 rep, sets the bar down, E2 does 2 reps, sets the bar down, E1 does 3, E2 does 4 and so on. Once E1 hits 9 both exercisers progress back down. E1 did 9 so E2 does 8, E1 does 7, E2 does 6 and so on. Get it? Got it? Good! It will be explained in person in the morning.   Run: Both exercisers will run at the same time....
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Conditioning: 2:00min ME Row for Calories 2:00min Rest 50-40-30-20-10 Walking Lunge, w/slam ball or med ball Ab-Mat Sit-up 2:00min Rest 2:00min ME Row for Calories Score will be total workout time and total calories rowed for each 2min.   Notes:   There will be a staggered start to this workout with the faster exercisers going first.   2 minute ME (Max Effort) row, means all out effort for 2 minutes. Score will be total calories rowed.   Rest exactly 2 minutes before starting on the 50 to 10 portion.   Lunge will be weighted with either a slam ball or medicine ball, and will be carried with one arm on the shoulder (you may alternate shoulders). Lunging will be done as atotal, not 50 per leg and so on.   After you have completed the 50 to 10 portion, rest exactly 2min then finish your last ME row for calories.
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Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pull-up, chin over Ball Slam, 40#/30# 12min time limit Notes:   This workout will have a 12 minute time limit. It is meant to be done as fast as possible with minimal rest.   Listen to your coach when it comes to amount of bands being used for pull-ups and the weight on the Ball Slam   Ball Slam must be caught on the bounce each rep for workout to be considered Rx’d.  Rx’d+ will be 50#/40#, this is for exercisers who have been doing Rx’d workouts for 8+ months. Strength: Ring Dip 10-10-10-10-10 or Ring Dip w/Bands 15-15-15-15-15 or Bench Dip 20-20-20-20-20 Compare to 7.19.12
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Conditioning: 5 Rounds 200m Run 1:00 minute Max Effort (ME) Thruster, 115#/75# There will be 2 scores, total time and total repetitions of Thurster 13min Time Limit Notes:   Max Effort or ME means all out effort for a given duration or set. In this case we are doing 1:00 minute all out or max effort Thruster. Now stay with me on this….you don’t go for 30 seconds then stop or do 15 reps and stop. Go until you can’t do another, if there is time left  pick up the bar and finish up your 1:00 minute.   Weight: Listen to and respect your coaches recommendation on weight. If form is sloppy during the warm-up or the perceived exertion to much, the coach will take your weight down.   Time: There will be a 13 minute time limit for this workout.  Strength: Back Squat 10-10-10-10+ @50%-60% Notes:   Do 2-3 Warm-up set at 2-3 reps....
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Conditioning: AMRAP 10min 10 Dead Lifts, Body weight (3/4 Body weight) 10 Box Jumps, 24″(20″), competition standards Notes:   What is a body weight dead lift? Simply weigh yourself at the gym or before you come in (yes I realize there is no scale at Golden, so all Golden exercisers weigh yourself before you come in). Take the number for your body weight, put that weight on the bar and LIFT! Error on the heavy side, so if I weighed in at 176#, I would do do 180# for the workout. Body weight will be Rx’d, 3/4 or lower will be considered scaled. All 10 reps for the Dead Lift should be unbroken for the duration of the workout.   Do not go higher on the box jumps. I know we have been doing 30″(24″) as the standard. Listen to your coach and stick to the programming, focus on the intensity...
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