CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: Squat Snatch Conditioning: 4 Rounds 7 Hang Squat Snatch, 95#/65# 7 Hand Stand Push-ups 35 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps 12min time limit   Notes:   Modification will be a hang power snatch to OHS. Listen to your coach when it comes to choosing a weight and modification for the workout. If you can only do PVC, then PVC it is.   HSPU, modifications will be our usual standard. x1.5 for 1 to 2 mats (no 3 mat, do the shoulder tap mod instead). And 7 each round for the partial wall climb shoulder tap mod.   Strength: Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10+ @40%-50% Compare to 5.10.12 Notes:   Do 2 warm-up sets of 3 reps then 4×10 at 40%-50% with 10+ on the last set.
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WOD: AMRAP 10min 5 Power Clean and Push-Jerk, see chart 150m Run If you are new to the movement or working on technique (hitting the pocket, driving the hips from the dip), you will do a hang power clean with a push press or shoulder press. Strength: Dead Lift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 @70%-90% Use the first 3 sets of two as a warm-up, then progress the remaining 7 from 70% to 90%. If you are tracking your weights this will be very easy to do. If you are not tracking your weight (and workout times), start this week. Tracking is mandatory from now on. Chart for WOD Max Over Head Working Weight >300 225 295-270 205 265-240 185 235-220 165 215-205 155 200-180 135 175-150 115 145-125 95 120-100 75 95-85 65 80-70 55 65-50 45 >50 35
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PARK WOD: Meet at Kendrick Lake Park at 9am. Gather at the picnic tables by the playground and make sure you are on time. Click here for directions. Yes, there will still be Yoga at 10:15am.
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Reminder: No 4pm class at Lakewood. Yes, there will be a 5pm with coach Megan and yes, there will be a 8am and 9am. Also, park WOD on Saturday 9am for both gyms. Yoga at 10:15am WOD: AMRAP 25min 25 Box Jumps, 30″/24″ 25 Knees 2 Elbows (mod= 35 Leg Raise) 25 Squats 250m Row Skills 1 grads. Welcome to the community Rody, Mike, Holt, Matt, Brian, Sharon, Maggie, PJ and Monique!
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Warm-up/Skill: Squat Snatch/Clean WOD: “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Clean, 135#/95# (this can be a power clean or squat clean) Ring Dip MOD for Ring Dip= One or more bands (x 1.5) 32-23-14 Bench Dips (x 2) 42-30-18 *Side Note, reps for the Clean stay the same for rx’d and mod Strength: Squat Snatch 2 reps on the minute for 10 minutes working at 65% of 1RM or add 5#-10# to last time done, 6.14.12 If you are new to the movement you will be doing a Squat Snatch from above the knees or a Power Snatch to an Over Head Squat
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