Did someone say high box jumps?? – Weightlifting Four Sets of: Dumbbell Walking Lunge (20 steps @ 1010) AHAP Rest 60 Seconds Side Plank (30-45 Seconds each side) Rest 60 Seconds – Metcon For time: 400 Meter Run 30 Front Squats (Heavy) 30 Box Jumps (High) 400 Meter Run Read More
After talking with a member who tried running Matthew Winters earlier today we are going to cancel due to mud and slippery conditions. Matthew Winters Lollipop today! We can modify the distance as necessary for those of you who are running races this weekend. Meet here at 6pm.Read More
The aftermath of “The Chief”, time for some more cleans! Weightlifting Power Clean (20 Minutes to build to a heavy) – Metcon For time: 10 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs) 100 Double-Unders 8 Power Cleans 80 Double-Unders 6 Power Cleans 60 Double-Unders 4 Power Cleans 40 Double-Unders 2 Power Cleans 20 Double-Unders Read More
This will be the last ride of the season posted by CFG. Feel free to text each other and meet and send in your pictures! We are going to ride North Table Loop, unfortunately no coaches can attend tonight. So if you see each other meet up and start around 6:00 p.m. We will start...Read More
Crossfit Endurance Bike Ride: 6:00 p.m. This will be the last Bike ride we will do together!! Feel free to keep getting after them and meeting at different times! – Weightlifting Five Sets of: Bulgarian Split Squat (9 reps (each leg) @ 30X1) Rest 45 seconds between legs Strict Handstand Push-Up (Max Reps) Rest 60...Read More
Metcon In Teams of 4 complete the following in 25 minutes 50 In Unison Burpees Then in remaining time: 20 Front Squats (95/65) 30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 20 Front Rack lunges – in place (95/65) Rest One Partner at each statoinRead More