Camilla and Fekie got second in their competition and Lakoda got 1st! Great weekend for CFG ladies! Weightlifting Clean (Every 2 Minutes, 20 Minutes (10 sets)) Build to a heavy single Metcon “Five-Minute Capacity Test” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 5 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.) 10 Burpees Over...Read More
Danyelle warming up for some nice Deadlifts today! Reminder… the way Sunday workouts are programmed is to accommodate large classes, meaning we are limited on types of movements/lifts, and are really for people who missed classes earlier in the week. If you come Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday there is a good chance there will be movements that...Read More
Kallie and Kathryn killed it last weekend with some Meet and lifetime PRs for both of them!! Bootcamp: 8 & 9 a.m. NO CROSSFIT KIDS Olympic Lifting: 10 a.m. Strongman Saturdays: 11 a.m. Open Gym: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 30-Day Ab Challenge: Day 13 70- Abmat Sit-Ups 85 – Crunches 50 – Cobras 50 – Leg raises 60 second...Read More
Lanie getting after it! Weightlifting Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets): 2 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Metcon (Time) For time: Run 400 Meters 10 Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs) 20 Burpees Over the Barbell Run 800 Meters 20 Burpees Over the Barbell 10 Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs) Run 400 Meters 30-Day Ab Challenge:...Read More
Camilla and Amy working through some wall balls! Get ready for more. Crossfit Kids: 4:30pm Crossfit Endurance Trail Run (Details in Link): 5:30 pm Gymnastics A. Four sets of: Weighted Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 2-4 reps @ 21X0 Rest 60 seconds L-Sit x 30-60 second hold Rest 60 seconds (if you cannot do this consecutively, accumulate...Read More
The winners of the Open and 17.5! Stacy won 17.5 Rx’d division Matt won 17.5 Scaled Division Anteus won Rookie of the year Camilla won most improved! Crossfit Kids: 4:30 pm Crossfit Endurance Mountain Bike Ride: 5:30 Departure Metcon (Time) Teams of 3: Complete a total of 4 sets each Row 500 Meters – 5...Read More
Heather working through some Dumbbell Thrusters! Weightlifting Hang Clean + Clean (Every 90 seconds, 15 minutes (10 sets)) Suggested loads per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85, 85 Metcon Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-ups Read More
Karl and Taner running through some Kettlebell swings Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of: 3 Pull-Ups 6 Burpees 9 Kettlebell Swings Rest 3 minutes between sets, and complete a total of 5 sets. 30-Day Ab Challenge: Day 7 50- Abmat Sit-Ups 30 – Crunches 30 – Cobras 30 – Leg raises...Read More