Warm-Up: 10 min.Coaches Choice Strength: Four sets of: Weighted Lunges with Barbell x 20 (10 each leg) Rest 2 minutes between sets *Complete one warm-up set with the bar and then build-up on weight over the four sets Conditioning: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes (AMRAP) of: 20 Sit-Ups 100 Meter Run 10 Ring Dips...Read More
Warm-Up: 10 min. Coaches Choice Strength: Five sets of: Front Squat x 3 reps @ 80-85% (Slight increase from two weeks ago) Rest 20 seconds Pull-Ups x 10-15 (Chest-to-bar/regular/banded…do hardest variation, unbroken if possible) Rest 2-3 minutes before next set. Conditioning: 15-12- 9 Hang Squat Cleans (135#/95#) BurpeesRead More
8am: Boot Camp 9am: Strength & Olympic Lifting A. Take 20 minutes to build to a “heavy” Front Squat Let speed and mechanics dictate what “heavy” means for you today. B. Five sets of: Power Clean + Squat Clean Rest 2-3 minutesRead More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice, 10min Strength: Dead Lift 3×5 @ 75%-80% Warm-up as needed Conditioning: 5 Rounds :30sec Row for cals :30sec Rest :30sec Kettle Bell Swings or Kettle Bell Snatch :30sec Rest :30sec Shuttle Run, 10m down 10m back :30sec Rest Scoring will be total cals, swings and trips (1=1) on the shuttle run.Read More
Warm-up/Mobility: 10min Coaches Choice Strength: 15min to work on the following complex 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Bar is not dropped during the complex Work in the 75% range Modify the complex as needed Conditioning: AMRAP 10min 100m Sprint (50m down, 50m...Read More
Congrats to CFG athlete Lisa Strong for taking First Place at the PrimalPalooza CycleCross race this weekend!!! Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice, 10min Strength: 1. Shoulder Press, 3×5 @ 75%-80% Warm-up as needed 2. Pendlay Row 3×10 Warm-up as needed 3. Push-press and Sumo-Dead Lift High Pull (SDLHP) Warm-up Conditioning: AMRAP 12min 20 SDLHP, 35#-95# 20...Read More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice, 10min Strength: Jump Squat, 3 x 8 (Light, use as warm-up for Back Squat) Back Squat, 3×5 @ 75%-80% Conditioning: Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes 12 Burpees As many Double Unders or Tuck Jumps as possible in the remaining minute.Read More
8AM: Boot Camp 9AM: Olympic Weightlifting Olympic Weightlifting: Coach Sergio will be breaking down the Snatch again with focus on… 1) 3-postion Squat Snatch 2) Snatch BalanceRead More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice 10min Strength: 1) Close Grip Bench Press, 5×5 @ 70%-75% Warm-up with 2×4 first 2a) Pull-overs 3×10, Demo Video, (feet will be on the ground) Start light, keep it light 2b) Straight Bar Curl, 3×25 15#-45#, this is not for body building purposes, but for re/pre-hab 3) Power Snatch Warm-up, 3×3 ...Read More