CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Squat 2×10 Burpee Strength: 1) 5×3 Zercher Squat, go up from last week 2) 3×10 Jumping Good Mornings, go up from last week Conditioning: Kettle Bell Mountain: Kettle Bell Swing + Goblet Squat 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 Do 5 KB Swings then 5 Goblet squats, 10/10, 15/15 and so on. Cool Down (if time): 400m Slow Run 30 Deck Squats
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Warm-up: Ladder Drills Conditioning: 3 Rounds :45sec of work / :15sec rest and transition Wall Ball Wall Sit Sit-up Ring Plank Ball Slam Kettle Bell Hold
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Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squats 2×10 BOO-urpees 2×10 Knee Tuck to Lunge W/Arm Raise and Lean Back(R+L=1) 2×10 H.R. Push-ups, 5 count hold at the top of each rep Strength: 1) 4×10 Weighted Lunge, RIGHT + LEFT = 1, slight increase in weight  from last week 2) 6×2 Bench Press, @ 85% this will be a slight increase from last week 1×10 warm-up on on Weighted Lunge, light 3×2 Warm-up on Bench Press, light 20min Time Limit 4 Rounds 15 Dead Lifts, 185#(125#) 1:00min Dead Hang from pull-up bar 15 Hand Release Push-ups 20min Time Limit Weight on dead lift needs to be manageable. All reps must be unbroken each round.
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Warm-up: Muscle Snatch and Muscle Clean Drills Strength: 1) 7×3 Muscle Snatch, light/medium and fast 2) 7×3 Muscle Clean, light/medium and fast Rest about a min between sets Warm-up will be minimal. 1 set for snatch 1 set for clean Both movements will be from the hang position. 18min time limit Conditioning 1: 3 Rounds 2:00min Row 50 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps or 150 Single Unders You may substitute the Airdyne for the Row (Lakewood only) 10min time limit Conditioning 2: 5 Rounds 0:30sec Box Jumps, 24″(20″) 0:60sec Step-ups 0:30sec Rest Score is total box jumps   Huge PR’s on Monday! This is what you can expect when you focus on technique, proper form, choose manageable weight and listening to your coaches! Linda 105#, 30# PR Amy 105#, 30# PR Jen 105#, 55# PR! Tim 205# set a PR Note: for those of of that are not members but troll...
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Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squat 2×5 Goblet Squat 2×10 Squat 2×10 Split Jumps, R+L=1 Wrist stretch Group: Clean Drills Strength: 1) 5×3  1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat, light to medium weight, use as primer for Cleans 2) 5×1 Squat Clean, Work up to a heavy single No warm-up necessary. The 5×3 complex will be your warm-up. 20min time limit Conditioning: 400m Run 20-10 Push-press, 95#(65#) Burpee-pull-ups (if you do assisted pull-ups, do 20 burpees then 20 pull-ups) 400m Run 20min Time Limit Notes:   You will start and end the workout with a 400m run. Choose a weight that you can handle for the push-press, you should be able to do all reps unbroken. Skills 2
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