A few months ago, Big Jim couldn’t get a complete lock-out due to mobility and range of motion restrictions. This picture was taken during the final round of his workout yesterday. Not bad at all, sir! Strength 4 rounds of Strength Training today Rest 15-20 seconds between movements, rest 2 minutes between rounds. Weighted Pull-ups (2-3...Read More
A HUGE Congrats to Paul Kaster on being the winner of our OPENutrition Challenge! In 30 days, Paul lost 17.6 pounds, dropped 14 seconds on his “Baseline” time, looks great, and says he feels great, too! We’re so proud of everyone from the gym who participated in the challenge, and hope to continue to...Read More
If you’ve never come to hang out during an AM class at CFG, you should. We get some pretty awesome sunrises sometimes! Gymnastics Rope Climb (15 minutes to PLAY!) Conditioning Have different groups start at different sections of the workout as equipment and athletes allow.This is three separate workouts, each of which will...Read More
Janet and Dan brought in young “Sam the Beard” only 7 days after he was born, and already wearing his CFG Baby onesie!! Don’t worry, we let him scale the workout… for now. Strength Five rounds of: Back Squat (3-5 reps @ 30X1) Single Arm Dumbbell Row (8-10 reps @2020) Conditioning Five rounds...Read More
First note: Movement does not HAVE to be a Snatch. Anything Ground-To-Overhead is legal. Yes. Anything, including Clean and Jerks. TRY to start off with Snatches, though. Please read the information below if you are 55 years of age, or “more experienced” (aka: older). Seriously… it means your weights could be lighter! Coaches will not...Read More
The group testing out our new HSPU/wall climb wall set-up. What’d you guys think? Conditioning Four sets of: Against a 4-minute running clock, complete: 500 Meter Row 300 Meter Run Push-Ups x Max Reps Rest 4 minutes between sets The goal here is to push through the run/row as fast as you can,...Read More
The Saturday crew having a fun time with Plank holds! Strength Four rounds of: Back Squat – 6-8 reps @ 30X1 Wall Slide – 5 reps @ 3030 Rest 90 seconds between movements AND rounds Conditioning Three rounds for time of: Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps (or 6 Partial Wall Climbs to Shoulder Taps /...Read More
CONGRATS to Janet and Dan (the Beard) on the birth of their beautiful baby boy: Samuel Leigh Vaudt, who weighed in at 6lb 6 oz. and 19.25″ long! We can’t wait to meet “Sam the Beard” at the gym sometime soon. Oh, by the way…. Janet had the baby on Friday. She was in the gym working...Read More