Such a great group who came to the OPENutrition Challenge Seminar on Saturday! We’re really excited to see the progress that all of you can make over the next 30 days (and beyond)! Conditioning “Baseline” For Time: 500m Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit-Ups 20 Hand-Release Push-Ups 10 Pull-Ups Strength 3 Sets...Read More
The 6am class hanging out at the bottom of the Overhead Squat position. Spend time here, and become a better athlete! Strength Squat Snatch (Three Sets of 4-6 reps, LIGHT) Primary focus is light weight and SPEED under the bar. Try to make reps touch-and-go. Conditioning CrossFit Games Open 13.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 Min...Read More
Then there was the week that Tim (our resident Strongman, apparently) did 5 reps of 445 pounds. Of both Back Squats AND Deadlifts. Three days apart. Cool. Strength 4 Rounds of: Bench Press (6-8 reps @ 30X1) Rest 60 seconds Single Arm Dumbbell Row (8-10 reps (each arm)) Rest 60 seconds Hollow Body...Read More
Lift well, my friends. Strength Deadlift (4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1) Rest 2:00 between sets Try to increase weight each set. No failed reps, tight core, stick to tempo work. Conditioning Five rounds for time: Hang Power Cleans (155/105), 5 reps 100m Run Try to do the Heavy Cleans unbroken. The runs...Read More
Our friends looking good on the rowers… check out the determination on the face of Action Jackson, too! Gymnastics Take 15 minutes to work on various gymnastics movements. Pistol progressions, Handstand holds and walks, L-Sits, etc. Conditioning Complete 21, 15, and 9 reps for time of: Thrusters (135/95) Pull-Ups Burpees This workout will be challenging....Read More
Here’s a pic of Greg before he started painting our climbing wall. This was definitely the “before” pic! Strength Four Sets of: Back Squat (3-5 reps @ 30X1) Rest :60 Strict Pull-Up (Supinated Grip – Max Reps @ 21X0) Rest 2:00 Conditioning Four rounds for time: Push Press, 12 Reps (95/65) Heavy KB Swings, 12 Reps (Green/Yellow)...Read More
Boot Camp: 8am Olympic Lifting with Coach Sergio: 9am a. High-Hang Clean: 3 sets of 3 @ 70% of 1rm b. Heaving Snatch Balance: 5 sets of 1 at 100% of Snatch 1rm c. Back Rack Lunges: 4 sets of 6 (3 each leg) at 60% of Back Squat 1rmRead More
By complete coincidence, we had so many families at the gym on Wednesday. Father/son, Mother/son, cousins, and Mother/daughter, all in one class. Families that CrossFit together, stay together! Friends, really cheer each other on for the 500m Row today! GOOD LUCK! – Coach Tom Warm-up Group Warm-Up – Coach’s Choice Work on Mobility for...Read More
So…. this happened on Wednesday. Wes, one of our awesome firefighters, did a little bit of deadlifting. He pulled 445 pounds for 3 reps. FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE POUNDS! FOR THREE REPS! WOW! Strength Push Press plus Push Jerk (Complete 6 sets of one cycle) From the rack, perform one Push Press immediately into...Read More
I’m kind of a shoe nerd. I LOVE bright, neon, colorful gym gear, too. Is there someone at the gym that has your favorite shoes? My answer: Coach Ryan’s Neon Green Nike Weightlifting shoes. -Tom Sidenote: Way to go, two people in the picture wearing Nike socks with Reebok shoes?! Eek. Strength Deadlift (Build...Read More