Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squat, 5 count hold at bottom 2×5 Goblet Squat, light, 5 count hold at bottom, this can be done with a KB, slam ball, or med ball 100ft Walking Lunge w/arm raise Group: 2x (:30/:30) Squat, “rest” will be in a bottom hold position Stretch: Mt. Climber and wrist Strength: 1) 5×3 Dead Lift @80% 2) 5×3 Front Squat @80% Warm-up with 2×3 for each. 20min time limit Notes: Ideally you should be doing each set of 5 at 80%. Now if you have a big number you need to put up, use 2 of the 5 set as additional warm-ups, making it a total of 3×3 at 80%. If you fall into this category you will know it. Last week some of you established a new PR. I want you to use 90% of this number as a working weight. So if I...
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