Strength: 1) 7×1 1 Low-Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hi-Hang Power Snatch, light (60% or less) and perfect, 60 sec rest between sets 2) 7×1 1 Low-Hang Power Clean + 1 Hi-Hang Power Clean, light (60% or less) and perfect, 60 sec rest between sets Light weight, focusing on speed and technique. 20min time limit Conditioning: 2 Rounds ME(max effort) 0:45sec on, 0:15sec off Wall Ball Wall Sit KB Swing Dead Hang (from pull up bar) Ball Slam Ring Plank Hold This workout will be done for reps(holds), no score will be recorded. 2-3 people will be working at a station per time. So you will be starting at different stations but still doing the same amount of work.
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