CrossFit Workouts

Strength: 1a) Dead Lift 5×3 @ 80% 1b) Bench Press 5×3 @ 75% Rest 60sec. 20min limit   Notes:   Before we start the strength training for the day we will go over the set-up and safety precautions for Bench Press. So show up ready to pay attention.   Warm-up 3×3 on each movement, then do the 5×3 a-b alternation with a 60sec rest between sets.   Remember that you will be doing the Dead Lift based off of a “working max” (90% of a true max).    Since Bench Press is a new movement, work up to 75% perceived exertion. When the workout has a “1a)” and “1b)” do one set of “1a)” first then immediately do one set of “1b)”. Then rest for the prescribed time.   Conditioning: 21-15-9 Ring Dips, (must be Rx’d, x2 for bench dips, 42-30-18) Hand Release Push-ups Shoulder Press, 65#(45#) 15min time limit
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This week marks the start of a 10 week strength training cycle. The goal will be to improve the Olympic Lifts (Clean/Jerk and Snatch) and the Power Lifts (Back Squat, Dead Lift, Bench and Pressing). This cycle will look like what we have been doing in the gym for the past 2 weeks (yes, I did that on purpose to work out the logistics/bugs). For the most part the daily programming will be focusing on lifting first followed by a 8-12min conditioning workout. There will be a “de-load week” on week 5 (reduced volume and load) and a “Testing Week” on week 10 (lets see what you got!!). This will take us to the week before Thanksgiving. Notes:   1. START LIGHT! Over the past 2 weeks I have seen numerous individuals slap on weight that was well over their % for that day (I can tell by just watching someone...
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Today we will be starting a 10 week strength training cycle. The goal will be to improve the Olympic Lifts (Clean/Jerk and Snatch) and the Power Lifts (Back Squat, Dead Lift, Bench and Pressing). This cycle will look like what we have been doing in the gym for the past 2 weeks (yes, I did that on purpose to work out the logistics/bugs). For the most part the daily programming will be focusing on lifting first followed by a 8-12min conditioning workout. There will be a “de-load week” on week 5 (reduced volume and load) and a “Testing Week” on week 10 (lets see what you got!!). This will take us to the week before Thanksgiving. Notes:   1. START LIGHT! Over the past 2 weeks I have seen numerous individuals slap on weight that was well over their % for that day (I can tell by just watching someone for...
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Conditioning: 4 Rounds 400m Run 10 Shoulder 2 Overhead, 95#(65#) Broad Jump, 200′ total, minimum distance per jump 6′(4′) No time limit If you can lift more then 225#(155) overhead please do 135#(95#) Skills 1 grads, welcome to the community: Jason, Hunter, Ed, Chad, Phillip, Eric, Adam, Jason, Maggie, Margaret, Michelle, Wendy, Erika, Sarah, Jamie, Amber, Stacie, Tudi, Nikki and Tim.
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Strength: 1) Back Squat 7×3 @ 73% 2) Front Squat 5×3 @ 73% 25min time limit. Notes:   Do 3×3 warm-up for back squat then do all remaining sets of 3 at 73%. Do not go up stay at 73% or less. Immediately after do 5×3 front squat at 73%. You will be warmed up so should be able to go right into them. Notice the 3% bump?. This will translate to a 5#-10# increase from last week.    If you do not have weights established work-up to a medium weight for the warm-up then slight increase for the 7 sets. Front squat will be about 20%-30% reduction in weight. Conditioning: 4 Rounds In 2:00min complete the following Row 250m Max reps OHS 115#(75#) Rest 1:1 Score will be total OHS for all 4 efforts Notes:   You will have two minutes to Row 250m then complete as many reps...
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