Paleo Week The beauty of the Paleo Diet lies in the simplicity of it. Basically if it was walking, swimming or growing out of the ground you can eat it. But wait OT, grain grows from the ground. Ah yes it does, but man has to alter it before it is edible; harmful proteins (primarily gluten) are still present after processing, thus making grains toxic to all humans. For more details on why grains are bad, click here. So what should I eat? Below is a condensed version of Foods to Eat/Foods to Avoid. Foods to eat Proteins: Grass Fed Beef Wild Caught Fish, Shrimp, basically any sea food Free range chicken Eggs (free range) Buffalo, venison, elk, any game meat will do Pork (includes bacon, yes!) Carbohydrates: Friuts and Veggies (easy as that, the greener the better) Sweat potato White potato (every once in a while, only if you are at your...
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