CrossFit Workouts

WOD: Teams of 2-3 complete the following 10x150m Sprint 300 Double unders or tuck jumps 200 Ab mat sit-ups, only 1 mat per team 100 Push-ups, hand release 50 Inverted Burpees  
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WOD: 50 Wall balls, 20#/14# 25 Toes-to-bar (38 mod) 40 Wall balls 20 Toes-to-bar (30 mod) 30 Wall balls 15 Toes-to-bar (23 mod) 20 Wall balls 10 Toes-to-bar (15 mod) 10 Wall balls 5 Toes-to-bar (8 mod) If you can not do competition standard Toes 2 Bar, do x1.5 for the modification: leg raise to bar (38-30-23-15-8)
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Paleo Week   To wrap up Paleo Week, we are going to give you a recent success story. It’s a little different then you might think, but it proves the power of the Paleo Diet. Enjoy! My success story   I have struggled with knee problems for the past 12 years, after a car accident that dislocated my knee cap.  I have had 9 surgeries in that time trying to repair the damage.  In March, I started Crossfit, with some hesitation that my knee might be a problem.  I pushed myself, I struggled, but I kept going.  Then I took a closer look at the Paleo Diet, and what that might mean for me and my lifestyle.  I did not start the Paleo diet to help my knee, I started it to lose weight.  After  first 6 weeks eating Paleo,  my knee had never felt better, it was stronger, not swollen and I was doing things I hadn’t...
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Paleo Week To insure success with the Paleo Diet you need to educate yourself about the topic and become an expert.There is a plethora of information on-line in regards to the Paleo Diet. Today’s post will be about tools you can use to have in your arsenal to help you succeed. Web Sites: Marks Daily apple Paleomg Health Bent Nom-Nom Paleo Everyday Paleo Fast Paleo Elana’s Pantry Civilized Cave Man Robb Wolf Steve’s Original Books: The Paleo Diet The Paleo Solution The Primal Blue Print The Gluten Free Almond Flour Cook Book Paleo Comfort Food It Starts With Food Movies: Fat Head In Search of the Perfect Human Diet And this is just scratching the surface. So what are you waiting for, get your Paleo on!! Warm-up: Ladder Drills WOD: 70 Burpees 60 Sit-ups 50 KB Swings 40 Pull-ups 30 HSPU The modification for HSPU is push-up+partial wall climb+right/left shoulder tap+back to...
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Paleo Week The beauty of the Paleo Diet lies in the simplicity of it. Basically if it was walking, swimming or growing out of the ground you can eat it. But wait OT, grain grows from the ground. Ah yes it does, but man has to alter it before it is edible; harmful proteins (primarily gluten) are still present after processing, thus making grains toxic to all humans. For more details on why grains are bad, click here. So what should I eat? Below is a condensed version of Foods to Eat/Foods to Avoid. Foods to eat Proteins: Grass Fed Beef Wild Caught Fish, Shrimp, basically any sea food Free range chicken Eggs (free range) Buffalo, venison, elk, any game meat will do Pork (includes bacon, yes!) Carbohydrates: Friuts and Veggies (easy as that, the greener the better) Sweat potato White potato (every once in a while, only if you are at your...
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