WOD#1 AMRAP 10min 5 Dead Lifts, See Cart 25 Squats 4min Rest WOD#2 10min time limit “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under Sit-up 4 min rest WOD#3 10min time limit 1000m Row 30 Burpees Based on class size, you may windup doing WOD#2 or #3 first. Score for WOD#1 will be total reps completed. WOD#2 and #3 will be total time (if you go over time limit, score will be reps completed). Max Dead Lift Working Weight >455 365 450-395 315 390-340 275 335-280 225 275-255 205 250-230 185 225-205 165 200-195 155 190-165 135 160-145 115 140-115 95 110-95 75 90-80 65 75-65 55 60-50 45 <50 35Read more
Warm-up WOD: 4 Rounds 200m Run 30 Sit-ups 15 Wall Balls Pre-game: Wrist stretch/mt. climber stretch/pigeon stretch 3×3 Clean and Jerk, building up to working weight WOD: 8 Rounds for time of: 0:20sec Max reps Pull-up (If you got muscle-ups, do’em) 0:10sec Rest 0:20sec Max rep Clean and Jerk, 135#(95#) 0:10sec rest Do not go over Rx’d. Score is total reps for all rounds.Read more
Registration for the 2012 Colorado Open at Front Range CrossFit begins Tuesday May 15 at 9am. This is a great 2 day competition that will truly put your fitness to the test. If you are interested do not procrastinate IT WILL SELL OUT QUICK! Last year they sold out in 3 days and they are expecting to sell out sooner this year. The dates of the competition are August 25th-26th, so you will have plenty of time to prepare. Last year we had 13 athletes from CFLW compete and it was an amazing 2 days. Let me know if you register. Click here for the Front Range CrossFit web site and event info (its located under FRCF Events > Colorado Open). Warm-up: 500m Row 15 PVC Pass Through 15 PVC Jerks 15 KB Swings, light WOD: 30-25-20-15-10-5 Burpee Tuck Jump (Yup, 1 rep = Burpee + Tuck jump) Kettle Bell Swing Strength:...Read more
Warm-up: 2 Rounds 40 Double Unders or 80 Single Unders 10 PVC Pass Through 10 PVC Shoulder Press 10 PVC Thrusters Pre-Game: Wrist Stretch Mt. Climber Stretch 3×3 Thruster, building up to working weight WOD: 6-9-12-9-6 Thruster, see chart 200m Run Strength: Back Squat 5-4-3-2-1 Working at 40%-50%-60%-70%-80% for the 1 Rep (DO NOT MAX on the 1 rep). Then do as many reps as possible with your 70% (2 rep) weight. Aim for 10+ reps. Max Thruster Working Weight >210 135 205-175 115 170-145 95 140-115 75 110-100 65 95-85 55 80-65 45 <60 35Read more