Teams of 2-3 people complete the following WODs WOD #1 2500m Row Ideally teammates will switch every 250m, score is total time rowed. 12min time limit 3min rest/set-up WOD#2 1RM Thruster Each member of the team must achieve a 1RM Thruster, score is combined weight. Follow the rep sequence of 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1 and so on till a 1RM is established. 12min time limit 3min rest/set-up WOD #3 AMRAP 12 min 10 Burpees 10 Dead Lifts, 135/95 (max of 2 bars per team) 10 Box Jumps (max of one box per team, step-ups or weight added) Ideally there will be one team member working on each movement. Team members can’t switch till all reps are completed on said movement. Rounds are counted when the team completes 1 full cycle regardless of what movement you start on. Or simplely put, 1 round = 60 reps (or 90 reps if 3 people) completed.
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