CrossFit Workouts

Weightlifting Three sets of: Back Squat (6-8 reps @ 30X1) Rest 90 seconds Single Arm Dumbell Press (8-10 reps each arm @ 2111) Rest 90 Seconds Metcon Four sets of 3- minute sprints of: “Mary” 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 10 Alternating Pistols 15 Pull-Ups Perform as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes, then rest 90 seconds between sets and pick up where you left off to start the next set. Score total number of rounds completed.
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Metcon (Time) In teams of three, complete the following for time: 1200 Meter Relay Run 120 Double-Unders 90 Single arm DB Hang Power clean  (50/35lb)  * 45 reps arm/90 total for whole team 60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells (50/35lb) 1200 Meter Relay Run 120 Double-Unders 90  Single arm DB Hang Power clean  (50/35lb)  * 45 reps arm/90 total for whole team 60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells 1200 Meter Relay Run Only one member of the team may be working at a time, and no member may begin the next movement until the team has completed the preceding. Tasks may be partitioned as you see fit. Coaches will encourage communication and vocal support of your teammates. Tell your teammate when you are strong and can keep going, and tell them when you need assistance before you expected to need it. The key to quick times is communication and quick transitions.
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Weightlifting Six sets of: Hang Power Clean + Power Clean Rest two minutes Metcon (Time) Three rounds for time of: 400 Meter Run 12 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (50/35 lbs)
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No Trail Run Tonight as most attendees will be at the Ragnar Trail Snowmass Tonight/Tomorrow. – Metcon (Time) For time: Run 800 Meters immediately followed by…Three rounds of: 10 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs) 20 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 30 Slamballs (30/20lb) immediately followed by… Run 800 Meters Accessory Work Medball Jackknife 3 Sets – 20 Reps
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Weightlifting Three sets of: Back Squat (8-10 reps @ 3011) Rest 2 Minutes Weighted Pull-ups (2-3 reps) Rest 2 minutes Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) In teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 10 Pull-Ups
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