Warm-up: 400m Run 2×10 Ring Row 2×10 Lunge, 1=1 Group Mobility: Couch stretch Posterior chain floss Strength: 1) 3×10 Weighted Lunge, increase weight as needed 2) 3×10 High Pull, increase weight as needed, this is NOT a sumo dead lift high pull. Warm-up with 1×10 on each movement first Skills: 15min to work on Pull-ups Ring Dips If you have these two movements down do as many 1-6 ladders as you can in the 15min time limit. 1 Pull/1 Dip, 2 Pull/2 Dip….and so on. You may use bands on the Ring Dips. Strict Pull-ups if you got them. This is not a race and will not be scored, focus on ROM and technique. If you need help on your pull-up (kipping) this will be the time to practice. Spend the time working on the kip and whatever variation of the Dip your skill set dictates.
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