Warm-up: Power Snatch Drills Power Clean Drills Strength: 1) 5×3 Hang Power Snatch 2) 5×3 Hang Power Clean Do 2×3 warm-up first 20min time limit Conditioining 1: 5 Rounds :45sec on, :15sec off, Row :45sec on, :15sec off, Ball Slam, 30#(20#) Notes: Score will be total calories rowed and total ball slams Conditioiing 2: 10min Kettle Bell Swing Breathing Ladder Notes: 0min-5min going up. 5min-10min going down. Starting at 1, do one rep followed by one breath. 2 reps, 2 breaths. and so on working your way up till 5min has been reached. At the 5min mark work your way back down to 1. You may set the kettle bell down and breath as much as you want while you are swinging. You must follow the breathing pattern while resting or else you will miss the point of this exercise.
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