CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: Power Snatch Drills Power Clean Drills Strength: 1) 5×3 Hang Power Snatch 2) 5×3 Hang Power Clean Do 2×3 warm-up first 20min time limit Conditioining 1: 5 Rounds :45sec on, :15sec off, Row :45sec on, :15sec off, Ball Slam, 30#(20#) Notes:   Score will be total calories rowed and total ball slams Conditioiing 2: 10min Kettle Bell Swing Breathing Ladder Notes:   0min-5min going up. 5min-10min going down.   Starting at 1, do one rep followed by one breath. 2 reps, 2 breaths. and so on working your way up till 5min has been reached. At the 5min mark work your way back down to 1.   You may set the kettle bell down and breath as much as you want while you are swinging. You must follow the breathing pattern while resting or else you will miss the point of this exercise.
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Couple of important announcements before we get down to business. 1. Saturday October 27th at 9am we will be doing a Memorial Workout benefiting the family of Jessica Ridgeway. Over the course of this week we will be taking donations that will go directly to the family (cash only). There will be a “donation jug” at each gym. Anything will help. And yes I know Skills 2 is that Saturday and it will be a long day of CrossFit related activities. Do your best to attend the workout if you are signed up for Skills 2. 2. We are looking for sponsors for our competition team. We would be honored to represent those of you that are small business owners when we go to other gyms to compete. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please talk to Orion or Greg about how you can get involved. 3. Skills...
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Conditioning: “Those Burpees Suck!” 10 Pull-ups, strict if you got them 20 KB Swings, 24kg(16kg) 30 Box Jumps, 24″(20″), land stand step off 40 Push-ups 50 Sit-ups 60 Burpees 10 Pull-ups, strict if you got them New logo is done. Shirts/Hoodies/Stickers will be coming soon!
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Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squats 2×10 Squats 2×10 Jump Squats 2×10 Tuck Jumps Wrist stretch Strength: 1a) 6×2 Front Squat, @ 85% 1b) 6X20 Weighted Step-ups Warm-up with 3×2 on Front Squat first 25min Time Limit Conditioning: As many rounds and reps as possible in 12min of the following barbell complex 6x Dead Lift 6x Bent Over Row 6x Hang Power Clean 6x Front Squat 6x Push-press 6x Back Squat Weight ranges will be 35#-95#. Keep in mind we are looking for intensity on this, not getting crushed with weight that is out of your skill set.
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Warm-up: Ladder Drills Conditioning: 3 Rounds, 1min per movement KB Round the World (30sec clock-wise, 30sec counter clock-wise) KB Figure 8’s KB Swing (KB snatch if you got it) KB Goblet Squat You will really need to work the edges of the handle on the worlds and 8’s. Core: 1a) 4×30 Leg Raise 1b) 4×30 Flutter Kicks, right + left=1 1c) 4×30 Scissors
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