Warm-up: 3×5 Wall Squats 3×10 Squats 3×10 Jump Squats 3×10 Tuck Jump Rest 10-15sec between each set Strength: 1) 8×2 Weighted Jump Squat @ 55% of Squat 1RM, 60sec rest 2) 4×10 Good Mornings, increase from last week 20min time limit Conditioning: 1:00min ME Box Jump, 24″(20″) AMRAP 8min 10 Shoulder Press, 65#(45#) 10 Pull-ups 1:00min ME Box Jump, 24″(20″) 2 Scores, total box jumps and total reps on the amrap Skills 1 Grads. Welcome to the community: Beaux, Abby, Matt, Jorden, Corey, Raul, Eric, Jen, Cassie, Michelle, Emily, Lucus, Oscar, Chad and Logan
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