CrossFit Workouts

Warm-up: 3×5 Wall Squats 3×10 Squats 3×10 Jump Squats 3×10 Tuck Jump Rest 10-15sec between each set Strength: 1) 8×2 Weighted Jump Squat @ 55% of Squat 1RM, 60sec rest 2) 4×10 Good Mornings, increase from last week 20min time limit Conditioning: 1:00min ME Box Jump, 24″(20″) AMRAP 8min 10 Shoulder Press, 65#(45#) 10 Pull-ups 1:00min ME Box Jump, 24″(20″) 2 Scores, total box jumps and total reps on the amrap Skills 1 Grads. Welcome to the community: Beaux, Abby, Matt, Jorden, Corey, Raul, Eric, Jen, Cassie, Michelle, Emily, Lucus, Oscar, Chad and Logan
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Conditioning: Part 1 10min Max Effort Row for calories Immediately after do…. Part 2 500 Single unders for time Score is calories rowed and total time on the singles Core: 1a) 3×1:00min Hanging Knee Raise Hold 1b) 3×50 Sit-up 1c) 3×50 Bicycle Crunch (1=1)
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Strength: Dynamic effort 1a) 8×3 Bench Press, @ 55% 1b) 8×1 Dead Lift, @55% 20min time limit Notes:   There is a 5% jump this week, which will translate to 5#-15# incresae in weight.   Warm-up with 3×3 alternating the bench and dead lift. Weight is light on this, focusing on speed and explosiveness out of the bottom. Bands will be used for the Dead Lifts. You must have a 150#+ 1RM in order to use them. Conditioning: AMRAP 15min 10 HSPU (x1.5 for 1 mat or more or 10 shoulder tap mod) 15 Gobblet Squat 200m Run Special thanks to Mike Berkow for taking pictures of “FGB”. Click here to check’em out. And now the faces of CrossFit……enjoy.
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Strength: 1) EMOM for 7min 3xHang Muscle Snatch, light and fast, 50% of Snatch max 2) EMOM for 7min 3xHang Muscle Clean, light and fast, 50% of Clean max 20min time limit Conditioning: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB Swing, 24kg/16kg :30sec plank hold 12min time limit
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Warm-up: Snatch Drills Strength: 1) 5×1 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch, Heavy but perfect 2) 5×3 Snatch Balance, Heavy but perfect (Mod=5×3 OHS) Warm-up 3×2 before doing each movement. 20min time limit Conditioning: 4 Rounds 5 Ground 2 Over Head, 135#(95#) 10 Burpee Tuck Jumps 150m Run 12min time limit If you can lift more then 225#(155#) overhead please use 165#(115#)
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