There were TWENTY TWO people at the noon class on Monday. 22! Strength Barski Clean (5 sets of 3 Cleans) Perform 3 consecutive cleans from the high hang position without straps. Rest 2 minutes between rounds Conditioning Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of: 135/95 lb Ground to Overhead x...Read More
Our first CrossFit Kids class was a huge success this past Saturday! We’re excited to see the program continue to grow. Thanks to everyone who made the first week so much fun, and thanks to Camilla for some AWESOME pictures! Strength Three sets today Rest 1-2 minutes between movements and rounds Front Squat (4-6 reps...Read More
Two big announcements today: 1- CrossFit Kids classes start at 9am!! Please refer to the latest newsletter if you have any additional questions. We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow. 2- Many of your coaches (and Danny) will be competing in a CrossFit event in Boulder on Saturday. It’s called the Pow3r of Three...Read More
Another partner workout on Friday! Conditioning In teams of two, partners alternate full rounds to complete five rounds each of: 500 Meter Row Dumbbell Man-Makers x 10 reps Manmaker for today: Push-Up Left Row Right Row Squat Clean ThrusterRead More
King Bogie, surveying his kingdom! Strength 5 rounds Hang Snatch + Snatch (Rest 15 seconds between efforts) High Box Jump ( Rest 5 seconds between attempts Use zero lbs, but type in highest box used in comments! Conditioning For time: 300 Meter Run Burpees x 10 reps Pull-Ups x 15 reps 95/65 lb Overhead Squats x 20...Read More
Coach Ryan getting ready to lead the class through one of our outdoor warm-ups! Strength Deadlift (Track heaviest single) Set 1 – 3 reps Set 2 – 2 reps Set 3 – 1 rep Set 4 – 3 reps Set 5 – 2 reps Set 6 – 1 repRest 3 minutes between sets Conditioning 10...Read More
Even when she’s squatting a ton of weight, Fran is ALWAYS smiling! Strength Four rounds Push Press (3-5 reps) Rest 2 minutes L-Sit Tuck to Extension x 7-10 reps @ 1212 (Do these on KB’s or on boxes, try to keep your legs as high as possible!) Rest 2 minutes Conditioning J.T. (Time) 21-15-9 Handstand Push-ups...Read More
Camilla, just hanging out doing some deadlifts! Strength 8 rounds today Back Squat (2-3 reps @ 30X1 ) Rest 2 minutes between each set. PLEASE use spotters if necessary. These sets should all be heavy. Use rest time to stretch and mobilize your upper body. Conditioning Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6...Read More
On Wednesday of this week, there were 19 people at our 9am class. NINETEEN! So awesome! Conditioning Partners alternate whole rounds for time and complete four rounds each of: Row 250 Meters Kettlebell or Dumbbell Single-Arm Push Press x 5 reps each arm Goblet Squats x 10 reps Run 400 Meters Partner A completes...Read More