
Warm-up: 200ft Broad Jumps, 6′(4′) 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Deck Sqaut Group: Snatch Drills Strength: 1) Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3, go to a heavy 3 rep, all 3 reps must be unbroken 2) Back Squat 10-10-10-10+, 45%-60% If needed warm-up 3×3 on the power clean and 1×10 on front squat. 10+ on last set of front...
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Warm-up: Indoor Run Mobility: Foam Roll Team workouts Workout #1 5 Rounds :45/:15 E1: Wall Ball, 20#(14#) E2: Weighted Step-ups, 20″ w/slam ball or kettle bell Score will be total reps complete for the team of 2. 1=1 on step-ups Rest 5 minutes Workout #2 As many rounds as possible in 10min of E1: 10...
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Warm-up: 200ft of Lunges 1st 100ft w/stretches 2nd 100ft as fast as possible Strength: 1a) Dead Lift 10-10-10-10 @ 45%-65%, this should be light and viewed as a warm-up for conditioning. 1b) Ring Row 10-10-10-10 Conditioning: 3 Rounds 30 Pull-ups, any style 30 Dead Lifts, 155#(105#) 30 Box Jumps, 24″(20″)
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Warm-up: 400m Run Group: 10 PVC Pass Through 10 PVC Shoulder Press 10 PVC Push-Press 10 PVC Push-Jerk Strength: 1) Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 2) Press-Press 3-3-3-3-3 3) Push-Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 Working up to a heavy 5,3 and 1. 20-25min time limit Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following AMRAP 15min E1:150m Run      15 Kettle...
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Warm-up: 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Jump Squat 2×10 Clapping Push-up (if you can’t, 10 regular) Strength: 1) Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3, go to a heavy 3 rep, all 3 reps must be unbroken 2) Front Squat 10-10-10-10+, 45%-60% If needed warm-up 3×3 on the power clean and 1×10 on front squat. 10+ on last set of...
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Warm-up: 10min Athletes Choice. Workout: “Loredo” 6 Rounds for time 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking Lunges, 1=1 400m Run
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Warm-up: Indoor Run 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 PVC Pass Through 2×10 PVC Over Head Squat Mobility: Mt. Climber Stretch Olympic Wall Squat Strength: 1) Over Head Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+ 2) Weighted Jump Squat 4×10, warm-up with a light 1×10 first Conditioning: Teams of 2-3 exercisors complete the following for max reps(calories)...
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Warm-up: 5:00min as many single-unders or doubles as possible Mobility: Foam Roll Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following- As many Rounds as possible in 20min of 20 Kettle Bell Swings 100ft Waiter Walk, Left Hand 100ft Waiter Walk, Right Hand Notes:   E1 will start the workout and complete one round of the task....
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Warm-up: Indoor Run 100ft Lunge w/stretching 2×10 Hand Release Push-up, 2 count at top Mobility: Banded Chest Stretch Posterior Chain Floss Strength: 1) Bench Press, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 8+ 2) Deficit Dead Lifts, 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+ 20-25min time limit Notes:   Increase weight as you go up, work up to...
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Warm-up: :30sec Jumping Jacks :30sec Burpee :30sec Skier :30sec Snowboarder Conditioning: 4x:30/:30 Row 4x:30/:30 Box Jump/Step-ups* 4x:30/:30 Mt. Climber 4x:30/:30 Single Ring Row/Hold* 4min Rest 4x:30/:30 Sit-up/Leg Hold* 4x:30/:30 Wall Sit 4x:30/:30 Head Cutter/Hold in lock out* 4x:30/:30 Jumping Pull-up *Hell style, rest will be active. example holding in a locked out position, step-ups on...
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