CrossFit Workouts

The Expo is Free and Open to everyone…all attendees will be entered to win several awesome prizes including a 6 month free membership to CFG!!! It’s also a great way to kick off your new year, learning more about health and wellness to continue working towards and being the BEST version of yourself! Metcon “Christine” Three rounds for time: 500 Meter Row 12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight) 21 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Compare results to WEDNESDAY 7.10.19 Weightlifting Three sets of: Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps each @ 3011 Rest 60 seconds Barbell Hip Thrusts x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 Rest 60 seconds Side Plank x 45 seconds each side Rest 60 seconds
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Throughout the afternoon, different specialists will offer seminars on health topics. Seminars will include:  Nutrition lecture led by Jessica Walker on different nutrition lifestyles: Paleo, plant based, Keto and flexible dieting (aka macros), and which one is righ for you based on your goals. Injury Prevention Seminars By Justin Dudley of Cascade Physical Therapy & CrossOver Symmetry.Activated Hemp and how it promotes healthy recovery by Arcanum Edge Metcon Every 7 minutes, for 35 minutes (5 sets) for times of: 250 Meter Row 50 Double-Unders 50 Air Squats 20/15 Hand Release Push-Ups Please note times for each of your 5 sets, paying particular attention to your ability to maintain a pace, in which round pace dropped off, and on which movements you lost the most time over the course of the sets.
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[List out the Prizes we are giving out for just attending] Weightlifting Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of: Strict Shoulder Press x 3-4 reps  Go as heavy as possible! Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of: Push Press x 3-4 reps Metcon For time: 500m Row 40 Burpee Pull-Ups (pull-up bar 6-10″ above standing reach) Compare results to THURSDAY 10.25.18
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2020 CFG Health And Wellness Expo- Product Vendors and Service Providers will include: Cascade Physical TherapyArcanum Edge – Activated Hemp Recovery ProductsCrossOver SymmetryChiromega ChiropracticEleveated Legs – Compression BootsAlways Growing InBody Body Fat Testing – ONLY $10 InBody TEST!!!!LifeAid  Beverage Co.Wilde ChipsGT’s Living FoodsPerforma SleepRecoup FitnessFit Republic Foods – Meal ServiceSwimLabsYoColoradoGreen Leaf Massage and Sports RecoveryAnd many more…. Weightlifting Five sets of: Back Squat x 5 reps @ 75-80% Rest 2 minutes Metcon Five rounds for time of: 10 Kettlebell Deadlifts 10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Goblet Hold Use the heaviest kettlebell you can handle. Score is weight of the kettlebell and your time in the comments.
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CFG Health & Wellness Expo Sunday, January 19th 12pm-4pm To kick-start 2020, CFG will be hosting it’s 2nd Annual Health & Wellness Expo! Similar to previous years, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make 2020 your healthiest and fittest year yet.  Like last year we are switching things up to go way beyond just nutrition and we will be discussing more heath topics like recovery, injury prevention, and body fat percentage/testing. The gym will be set up with various booths highlighting local health and wellness professionals that will discuss products and services and how they could be right for you.  Throughout the afternoon, different specialists will offer seminars on health topics. Seminars will include:  Nutrition lecture led by Jessica Walker on different nutrition lifestyles: Paleo, plant based, Keto and flexible dieting (aka macros), and which one is righ for you based on your goals. Injury Prevention Seminars By Justin Dudley of...
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