Warm-up: Athletes Choice **We will be reviewing the workout and range of motion standards at 9am sharp, workout will start at exactly 9:05am.** ** Due to the sheer volume of this workout, time will be a factor. You will be responsible for coming in early, setting-up and being warmed-up ready to go at...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor run Movement review and practice Workout: DECK OF CARDS!! Movements: Box Jump Kettle Bell Swings Kettle Bell High Pull (sumo-DLHP) Jumping Step-ups, aka explosive step-ups (R+L=1) Joker= 30 Burpee Tuck-Jumps, 3min time limit. If kettle bell shortage, athlete will do barbell SDLHP and push-press w/45#(25#) Notes: Yes… I’m laughing like a...Read More
Warm-up: 5:00min Jump rope test, singles or doubles, try to beat your last score. Last Done: 1.31.13 Group: Power Clean Drills Strength: 1) Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 @70% 2) Push-press 5-5-5-5-5 @70% Warm-up as needed, all reps will be done at 70% Conditioning: 5 Rounds 5 Power Cleans, Heavy 15 Knees 2 Elbows 250m Row (1...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor Run 2×10 Deck Squats 2×10 Hand Release Push-ups, 3 count hold at top Group: Snatch Drills Strength: 1) Snatch, 3×60%, 3×65%, 4×3@70% 2) High Bar Back Squat 6-6-6-6-6 @70% Conditioning: Teams of 2 complete the following 50-40-30-20-10 E1: Wall Ball E2: Active rest of in place Lunges If solo: 50 Wall Ball/50 Lunge...Read More
Class Schedule For Today: Morning: 8am Only Evening: Regular classes (4pm, 5pm, 6pm and 7pm) Warm-up: Indoor Run 2×10 Tuck Jumps 2×20 Squats Strength: We will be focusing on the Olympic lifts this week, so come prepared to work on technique. 1) 3 Squat Cleans & 1 Split Jerk, 1x(3CL+1J)@60%, 1@65%, 4×1@70% 2) Front Squat...Read More
Reminders: No Yoga today. CF Endurance Kick-off at CrossFit Golden, 10:30am. There WILL NOT be a workout, so if you need to get your WOD on, do it at the 9am class. Workout: “Hortman” AMRAP 45min 800m Run 80 Squats 8 Muscle-ups (Mod=16 Pull-ups and 16 Dips) Yes, we will be running outside. Hint: Dress...Read More
Reminders: CrossFit Endurance Kick-off this Saturday, 10:30am at CrossFit Golden No Yoga this Saturday Warm-up Indoor Run 2×5 Wall Squat 2×10 Squat 2×10 Jump Squat Strength: 1) Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then one set of 12+ Last Done: 1.18.13 2) Bulgarian Split Squat 3×10 (right+left=1) Conditioning: AMRAP 12min Bar Bell Complex Weight Range: 25#-115# 6...Read More
Warm-up: Ladder Drills Conditioning: 3 Rounds :45/:15 Wall Ball Wall Sit Head Cutter Dead Hang, from pull-up bar Ball Slam Plank, Elbow, Locked out or Ring Compare to 9.25.12Read More