Will all coaches please come back from vacation… Bogie misses you! Strength: Four rounds Deadlift (5 reps) -Rest 20 seconds, then perform 4 Wall Climbs Rest 3 minutes between rounds Conditioning: For time: 40 Double-Unders 20 KB Swings (32/24kg) 10 HSPU 800m Run 10 HSPU 20 KB Swings (32/24kg) 40 Double-Unders Read More
Throw back Thursday to Coach (AKA Jeff) lifting some serious weight during the 2014 Open REMINDER!!!! The 6:30pm CrossFit Class is canceled for the Muscle Pharm Supplement Seminar. Strength: Four sets After each set of 3 Turkish Get Ups w each arm, rest 90 seconds and complete 7-10 “L-Sit Tuck to Extension” reps. Rest 2...Read More
Ordered restock of existing shirts and Barbell Club T-shirts are in! Look for new t-shirt designs and tanks for summer, coming at the end of the month! Strength: Clean and Jerk (Take 15-20 minutes and find today’s 1RM) Conditioning: For time: 500m Row 50 KB Swings 100 Air Squats 500m Row Swings and squats do not...Read More
Really Coach Megan, really? Conditioning (AMRAP – Reps) Five rounds for max reps of: 60 seconds of Burpee Pull-Ups 60 seconds of Ring Dips 60 seconds of Box Jump Overs 60 seconds of Rest On each ring dip, finish with pinky to your side and thumb turned out away from your bodyRead More
Weightlifting 3 Rounds 90 seconds between movements and rounds Front Squat (5-7 reps @ 30X1) Ring Rows (10-12 reps @ 2111) Conditioning Against a 3-minute running clock, complete: 500m Row Ground to Overhead x Max Reps (135#/95#) Rest 3 minutes This WOD will be done teams of two, partners alternate 3-minute sets until they each...Read More
Pull-ups … Party of two! Mobility Friday! Have fun with coach leading class through several different mobility exercises! Conditioning: Every 4 minutes, for a total of 6 sets: Hang Power Snatch x 10 reps (75lbs/55lbs) Run 400 Meters Read More
Packed house at Saturdays bootcamp! Good thing we’ve got our new outdoor area. Strength: Push Press (Take 15 minutes to find today’s 1RM) Please be sure not to RE-DIP after extending the legs. Time for a lot of us to PR today! Conditioning: For time: Row 1000 Meters Then immediately… Three rounds of:...Read More
Coaching, baby-sitting, dog-sitting… what CAN’T Coach Megan do??? Strength: 4 Rounds 90 seconds rest between movements and rounds -Note progression or weight used for pistols, make sure full depth is obtained! Pistols (weighted) (6-8 reps each leg) -Complete pistols, weighted if possible Single Arm Dumbbell Row (10-12 reps each arm) ...Read More
Remember when our gym used to look like this? CrossFit Golden has come so far in the last 6-8 months!! Strength Deadlift (Set of 15 reps) Deadlift (Set of 10 reps) Deadlift (Set of 5 reps) Ring Push-Ups (Follow each deadlift set w Max Reps) DLs, then Ring Push-Ups. Each time DL reps go...Read More