Warm-up: Coaches Choice 5min Mobility: Lax Ball Chest Smash (done on vertical bar of pull-up rig) Lax Ball Lat Smash (done lying on side) Strength: 1) Close Grip Bench Press, 4×8 Slight increase from 8.16.13 2a) Bench Dip 3×30 2b) Chin-ups 3×15 Conditioning: For time 100 Burpees **Every 2:00min (starting at 0:00) do 15 Plate...Read More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice Olympic Lifting: 1) 12min to work up to a heavy 2-pos Squat Clean (ground/above knee) 2) 12min to work on Split Jerks Since we did a a high volume of shoulder work yesterday we will be keeping this fairly light and focusing on technique. Skill(s): With remaining class time and...Read More
Warm-up: Indoor Run 100ft Broad Jumps 5 Wall-climb Mobility: First Rib Smash Strength: 1) Push-press, 4×8 @ 60%-65% Warm-up with 2×4 first 2) Bent Over Rows, 3×10 Warm-up with 1×10 first 3) Sumo DL High Pull Warm-up 3×3 Conditioning: AMRAP 12min 3 Wall Climbs 9 Sumo DL High Pulls, Bar Bell or Kettle Bell, 35#-95#...Read More
Warm-up: 200m Run 10 Wall Squats 10 Jump Squats 10 Squats Mobility: Couch Stretch, Olympic Wall Squat (aka birthing stretch) Strength: 1) Jump Squat 3×10 Keep it as explosive as possible, light to medium weight 2) Back Squat 4×8, 60%-65% Warm-up as needed Conditioning: 5 Rounds (working in groups of 2-3) 30/30 Wall Ball 30/30...Read More
Double Down Throwdown! There will not be any classes today. Please feel free to come out and cheer on your fellow CFLW/CFG athletes. If you are competing, please read the following carefully. You must be at CFLW on time for the athlete check-in. Athlete check-in: 8:15am-8:30am. We will go over workout #1 and the...Read More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice, 10min Strength: 1) Bench Press, 4×8 @ 60%-65% Warm-up with 2×4 first 2a) Pull-overs 3×10, 2b) Straight Bar Curl, 3×25 15#-45#, this is not for body building purposes, but for re/pre-hab Conditioning: 3 Rounds 3:00min Max Calorie Row, 80%-90% intensity (or Airdyne or Ski Erg) 3:00min Rest Goal is to meet or...Read More
Warm-up/Mobility: Coaches Choice 10min Olympic Lifting: 1) 12min to work up to a heavy 3rep touch and go Power Snatch Warm-up as needed, you should end up in the 75%-80% realm 2) 12min to work up to a heavy 3rep touch and go Power Clean Warm-up as needed, weight should end up in the...Read More