Weightlifting Four Sets Of: Bulgarian Split Squat (6-8 reps each leg @ 30X0) Rest 60 seconds Plank Hold (60 Seconds) Default will be on the elbows Rest 60 seconds – Metcon Five rounds for time of: 5 Dumbbell Complexes* (50/35#) 10 Toes to Bar One rep of the Dumbbell Complex =Right Arm Row –...Read More
Weightlifting Four Sets of: Clean (1.1.1) (rest 10 seconds between each single) Rest 2-3 minutes – Metcon Against a two-minute running clock, complete: 3 Hang Cleans 6 Shoulder to Overhead 9 Front Squats Max Reps of Burpees Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of five sets. Recommended Loads – 135/95 lbs. Read More
CROSSFIT GAMES OPEN 1- For athletes who are officially registered for the CrossFit Games Open, please be sure to log in to the Games website (www.games.crossfit.com) and submit your own score from workout 18.1. Lacey will go in and verify it, but you must submit the score yourself first! If you have any questions, a coach will...Read More
“The Open” is here! The Open refers to the CrossFit Games Open, a worldwide CrossFit competition. “This five-week, five-workout competition is held in the winter in CrossFit affiliates and garage gyms around the world. Workouts are released online each Thursday, and athletes have until the following Monday to submit their scores.”www.games.crossfit.com Every Friday for the next...Read More
BIKE REPAIR AND BEER CLINIC CANCELLED. Due to the weather we are cancelling the bike clinic tonight that was at 6:30pm at Pedal Pushers. We apologize for the inconvenience but the roads are getting bad and we want everyone to stay safe. Weightlifting Five sets of: Snatch ( 1.1.1 ) (rest 5-7 seconds between singles)...Read More
Weightlifting Four sets of: Single Arm Dumbbell Row (6-8 reps @ 2111) Rest 90 seconds L-Sit (45-60 seconds (accumulated)) Rest 90 seconds – Metcon In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, partners alternate to complete 7 rounds each of: 7 Sandbag Manmakers (40/ 65lbs) (1 Manmaker = 2 Pushups +...Read More
Weightlifting Four sets of: Front Squat (3-5 reps @ 30X1) Rest 20 seconds Strict Pull-Up (Max unbroken Reps) Rest 3 Minut Metcon Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs) 15 BurpeesRead More
Metcon (Time) In teams of two, with only one teammate working at a time, complete the following for time: 1200 Meter Run (together) immediately followed by… 12 rounds of: 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (4 each) 16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (8 each) 24 Air Squats (12 each) immediately followed by… 1200 Meter Run (together)Read More